Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Moscow Tutorial

Moscow(*) is very different from NY or CUBA
-- we have to go through each job in the order they give them to us... so we can't just jam 300 levels and go straight to the top tier. Everyone has to slog through each chapter in the order presented.

If you charge ahead into Moscow like I did when Moscow was first released, you find out that if you complete the finale, you have to start the chapter all over again.
It only takes R9 million to afford the inventory for 1st mastery-- but now you have to buy
another R9 million of inventory for 2nd mastery, and again for 3rd. Right now, that is small enough to entice us into just doing it, but by chapter 3... it gets near
ly impossible.

For the record;
1-It takes a whopping R$ 8,499,600,000 (yes, BILLION) to collect ALL the inventory to do all the jobs in Moscow.
2-no job pays better than R$ 1,806,420.
3-It take approximately R$ 500,000,000 to buy and fully upgrade ALL businesses.
4-When all businesses are maxed out they generate R$ 68,904,000 per 24 hours.
5-Businesses take 124 days to fully pay out R$ 8.5 Billion.
DON'T waste money on businesses until you have gotten to episode 6.

Here's the laundry list of stuff you need to finish full mastery for each episode (including finale)
This is only for ONE mastery... so you'll need to double and triple this for 2nd and 3rd mastery.

DO NOT TOUCH the finale of ANYTHING.

The only purpose Baklany serves is to access Boets... then to Brigadir to Avtoret so we can get to Vor and Pakhan where all the REAL loot is hiding. Simply finish chapter 3 and move on to the second episode. You can come back later and do it after opening up Episode 6.



Here's how much it will cost to finish the third chapter once for each episode:
Baklnay R 7,100,000
Boets R 42.600.000
Brigadir R 111,200,000
Avtoret R 379,200,000
Vor R 711,400,000
Pakhan R 739,200,000

Total: R$ 1,990,700,000
add 10% for bank: R$ 2,189,770,000

There is no "secret" to building the R$ needed to clear each episode like Cuba... you simply do the most profitable job as often as you can until you get the R$ needed to buy the next episode of loot...
((I WILL do the math and tell you which job to do how often in each tier... but honestly, just pick one that pays well and drops a loot you like. I'll spell it out later, but it really is that simple.))

Vory Vs Mafiya?
I personally do vory every episode except episode 6.. Here's what I want:

ubijca assault rifle from ep 5 vory: attack 43 (this can be a permanent choice)
shturmovik from Moscow ep 4 vory: attack 45 (this can be a permanent choice)
zoloto from Moscow ep6 chap 3: attack 43 (works with both vory and mafiya)
zmeya blades from Moscow ep 6 mafiya defense 44 (see below***)
excoats from Moscow ep 6 chap1 defense 45 (works with both vory and mafiya)
Lloyd Spectre from Bangkok ep 5a-yakuza: defense 45 (see below***)

Moscow ep. 1-3 don't really matter at all. (either can be permanent)

***Bangkok is offering the Lloyd Spectre.. In ep5a. this is a 45 defense vehicle, but zmeya blade is still the top pic for farmable defensive weapon, tied with the ep5b yakuza cleaver (both 44 defense weapons... funny they are both melee, one hand weapons.) so you can abandon any thoughts of the KCC in favor of the Lloyd (but lloyds can't be traded... zing!)

What About the Businesses?
For the record; maxing out the businesses earns about R$ 70 million per day.
Now that the bribes are gone, it will take very little time to accumulate the R$ needed to start buying businesses in Ep. 6. Go right ahead. This WILL make acquiring the inventory for the 2nd and 3rd mastery of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th episodes easier. (see below) Again; I don't recommend finishing the first mastery of any episode until you have the R$ accumulated to attain ALL the inventory up through chapter 3 of the next mastery... that way you don't have any real down time not having access to any of the loot that someone may put a request in for.

What about finishing Moscow?
Accumulating the R$ needed to finish all 3 mastery will be VERY easy once you open up ep 6.
Run to Pakhan (ep 6) as fast as you can so you can access those large R$ jobs. Buy up the businesses and let them start working with you. Back-tracking through the lower episodes will now be much easier to complete.
I recommend mastering all 3 tiers of ep 6 first, since it's the most expensive, has the highest costs, and has the best loots.

(*)Please note: In this tutorial we specifically held off doing Moscow until after we had finished both NY and Cuba... as an energy/speed leveling account; this gives us a MASSIVE battery of energy to blast through all the jobs in as short a time frame as possible.

In practical application; you can realistically juggle NY, Cuba, and Moscow jobs as soon as you hit level 70. This guide is to tell you HOW to complete each city; not at what level or with how much energy. These methods work no matter what level, no matter how much energy.

SOP training has a specific order in which you complete NY, Cuba, Moscow, and Bangkok
to optimize your character's performance. If you wish to be mentored, contact SOP.

Folks-- I could have put this in some pdf and charged $20 like all those lame "dominate blah blah" books that promise us everything and deliver squat... Ironically, this guide ACTUALLY delivers what you want-- levels, power, and a formula to do it with no BS attached.
If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:

$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$10 = Holy Hannah! I Can't Believe You Didn't Charge $20 For This!!
$20 = I don't mind paying "full price" for great information that is current and USEFUL.
Send to my paypal email: filkearney@gmail.com

Patiently awaiting Vegas!


  1. Hey fil, great stuff man!! Doing like how u said now going to start farming
    :)Will soon describe my experience when its done!!!

    I had a doubt reading this blog u have told NOT TO TOUCH BRIBE AN ELECTION OFFICIAL But, without finishing that Chapter 2 of episode 2 wont open right?

  2. look at the screenshot. the next chapter opens when chap THREE is finished. you dont need to do the finale.

  3. Thank you everyone for the generous donations! My wife is MUCH less frustrated with HOW MUCH TIME I spend mentoring, training, and providing advice to everyone that asks... not to mention actually playing!

    If you want to make sure she doesn't cut my hands off, please distract her with donations!
