I tell you what; the Cuba and Moscow expansion has made NY so easy to beat it borders on pathetic. I cannot emphasize enough how valuable it is for you to gather and vault all energy and stamina collections.
We will now continue to run up through NY:
Without the consumables; you will be working Enforcer and Moscow of dozens of levels. Please join a clan or get a mentor to help you. Otherwise, this is a cakewalk. you won't even be able to access underboss or boss jobs at this point... and that's fine. You don't need them. You'll finish this in about 45- 60 minutes.

Again: resources are king. the 13 stamina provided by vaults is not totally irrelevant on the success or failure of each level... don't bother. It'll just slow you down at this point. Get done in about 45 - 60 minutes.

This is pure gravy. The ratios are much better now, and the amount of energy accumulated from all the jobs is causing us to tip in favor of winning despite ourselves. DON'T GET SLOPPY. pay attention to what you are clicking, and your ratios. It's easy to make a mistake because things just glide along. Keep your wits about you and you are done in 30 minutes.

Now that we have the private island from Underboss, ALL of these jobs are self- efficient... the only thing to keep in mind is that if you ignore your skill pool for too long, you'll get stopped because you have 40 or 60 points to dump into energy... but even if that happens, the amount of energy you attain will let you clear the level. This is so efficient you are done in 15 minutes.

You can't be more efficient than level 196 to finish NY. From beginning to end, it will take around 6 or 7 hours to do all the tiers. A fun day to be sure. :)
Unless you are not being funded, there is no need to go to Moscow until you have finished NY. It is so expensive there that you will NEED the large energy battery you are creating to afford to do the jobs in the first place. Even then, I don't recommend it until level 500 when you have a few thousand energy at your disposal.

But if you are NOT following the advice of acquiring consumables by either joining a clan, or trading and dealing; you can use Moscow now to at least efficiently get both CAMs and UCPs. This is SO much more efficient and predictable than the electronic store! The store has CSUs.. but once you have your 250, no reason to ever go back there again!
As an additional observation: We are barely using "job help" at all either. The 25 per city per day is completely irrelevant right now: we haven't used them even once. This is a good fact; with the small amount of mafia we have in the beginning-- finding available jobs when we need them is a pain.
Now, some of you are going to want to do this yourself... click all the electronic stores, the Moscow jobs, the steal records to get all the consumables yourself... that'll add another 50 levels to finishing. You can do that non stop as well as long as you keep an eye on your ratios... do a few Estore or Moscow looting, then switch over to the NY job the consumables are for. This will help make sure you don't get stuck without energy.and you'll probably want to tough through and get the vaults on your own too.
And, some of you are going to want to get all the vaults on your own too... forget it. YOU CANNOT SPEED LEVEL LIKE THIS IF YOU ARE NOT VAULTING AT LEVEL 2. You HAVE to have a mentor, clan, or generous family help you at LEAST get the energy vaults. Stamina is real helpful too.. and the others are just gravy.
Just so we are clear: This is here for my clan to understand how to get big fast. We ARE providing the vaults and consumables. Anyone willing to play a fearless speed-build in our clan will have the exact results above if they follow along.
If you aren't in SOP; this is hardly a clan secret. There are many blogs out there about speed leveling (just not as thorough or efficient). Take this back to your own clan. Get them on board with you.. or just take this as food for thought.
Next, we'll be talking about Bangkok.
Folks-- I could have put this in some pdf and charged $20 like all those lame "dominate blah blah" books that promise us everything and deliver squat... Ironically, this guide ACTUALLY delivers what you want-- levels, power, and a formula to do it with no BS attached.
If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:
$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$10 = Holy Hannah! I Can't Believe You Didn't Charge $20 For This!!If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:
$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$20 = I don't mind paying "full price" for great information that is current and USEFUL.
Send to my paypal email: filkearney@gmail.com
I'll post again when we finish NY.