Friday, October 30, 2009

NY Tutorial Pt. 3 - From Capo to Boss

Last installment, we kicked through NY, completing everything up to Capo in about 2 hours or so.
I tell you what; the Cuba and Moscow expansion has made NY so easy to beat it borders on pathetic. I cannot emphasize enough how valuable it is for you to gather and vault all energy and stamina collections.

We will now continue to run up through NY:

Without the consumables; you will be working Enforcer and Moscow of dozens of levels. Please join a clan or get a mentor to help you. Otherwise, this is a cakewalk. you won't even be able to access underboss or boss jobs at this point... and that's fine. You don't need them. You'll finish this in about 45- 60 minutes.

Again: resources are king. the 13 stamina provided by vaults is not totally irrelevant on the success or failure of each level... don't bother. It'll just slow you down at this point. Get done in about 45 - 60 minutes.

This is pure gravy. The ratios are much better now, and the amount of energy accumulated from all the jobs is causing us to tip in favor of winning despite ourselves. DON'T GET SLOPPY. pay attention to what you are clicking, and your ratios. It's easy to make a mistake because things just glide along. Keep your wits about you and you are done in 30 minutes.

Now that we have the private island from Underboss, ALL of these jobs are self- efficient... the only thing to keep in mind is that if you ignore your skill pool for too long, you'll get stopped because you have 40 or 60 points to dump into energy... but even if that happens, the amount of energy you attain will let you clear the level. This is so efficient you are done in 15 minutes.

You can't be more efficient than level 196 to finish NY. From beginning to end, it will take around 6 or 7 hours to do all the tiers. A fun day to be sure. :)

Unless you are not being funded, there is no need to go to Moscow until you have finished NY. It is so expensive there that you will NEED the large energy battery you are creating to afford to do the jobs in the first place. Even then, I don't recommend it until level 500 when you have a few thousand energy at your disposal.

But if you are NOT following the advice of acquiring consumables by either joining a clan, or trading and dealing; you can use Moscow now to at least efficiently get both CAMs and UCPs. This is SO much more efficient and predictable than the electronic store! The store has CSUs.. but once you have your 250, no reason to ever go back there again!

As an additional observation: We are barely using "job help" at all either. The 25 per city per day is completely irrelevant right now: we haven't used them even once. This is a good fact; with the small amount of mafia we have in the beginning-- finding available jobs when we need them is a pain.

Now, some of you are going to want to do this yourself... click all the electronic stores, the Moscow jobs, the steal records to get all the consumables yourself... that'll add another 50 levels to finishing. You can do that non stop as well as long as you keep an eye on your ratios... do a few Estore or Moscow looting, then switch over to the NY job the consumables are for. This will help make sure you don't get stuck without energy.and you'll probably want to tough through and get the vaults on your own too.
And, some of you are going to want to get all the vaults on your own too... forget it. YOU CANNOT SPEED LEVEL LIKE THIS IF YOU ARE NOT VAULTING AT LEVEL 2. You HAVE to have a mentor, clan, or generous family help you at LEAST get the energy vaults. Stamina is real helpful too.. and the others are just gravy.

Just so we are clear: This is here for my clan to understand how to get big fast. We ARE providing the vaults and consumables. Anyone willing to play a fearless speed-build in our clan will have the exact results above if they follow along.
If you aren't in SOP; this is hardly a clan secret. There are many blogs out there about speed leveling (just not as thorough or efficient). Take this back to your own clan. Get them on board with you.. or just take this as food for thought.

Next, we'll be talking about Bangkok.

Folks-- I could have put this in some pdf and charged $20 like all those lame "dominate blah blah" books that promise us everything and deliver squat... Ironically, this guide ACTUALLY delivers what you want-- levels, power, and a formula to do it with no BS attached.
If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:

$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$10 = Holy Hannah! I Can't Believe You Didn't Charge $20 For This!!
$20 = I don't mind paying "full price" for great information that is current and USEFUL.
Send to my paypal email:

I'll post again when we finish NY.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

NY Tutorial Pt. 2 - From Thug to Hitman

In the first part, we set up the characer as wheelman and mastermind, got everything vaulted, and filled up on consumables. (thanks again to SOP!)

Now we will begin to actually work through the levels.

Thug sucks. all the jobs are horrible energy : experience ratios. With everything vaulted, we don't need to worry about running out of energy before we level. You will need to dip into associate a little for higher efficiency jobs; and you are certainly welcome to use your stamina to pick off weak targets for easy experience. This will become necesary as you get into the 2nd and 3rd mastery. You should be able to finish it non stop in about 20 or 30 minutes if you pay attention:

Everything going to energy at this time... but no need to spend godfather points yet. We'll save those for later. What you want to do will determine how you use them.

This is where you can start to work the hitlist. Associate is pretty efficient as is; but dipping into enforcer (and soldier once you get your bounty taken care of) will make this an easy procedure as well... shouldn't take more than 30 minutes if you are focused:

This is where you will be glad you spent time on the hitlist collecting that bounty! There are some expensive equipment needed on this level, but it is pretty efficient. Now that you have the bounty out of the way, you can use the stamina to pick off easy targets for "free" xp so you don't have to stress over inefficient jobs so much. 30 minutes and you are done.

This tier is easy... there are some INCREDILBY efficient jobs available. when things start to get tight, remember that you will need a LOT of wiretaps for the hitman tier. Be free to use that job as "filler" to keep your energy ratios high enough to work the least profitable jobs on the tier. 30 - 45 minutes is all you really need if you pull out the calculator and really crunch the numbers.

Not much to say here. Very efficient jobs... if you didn't get enough wiretaps during enforcer, you'll need to loop back and do that job some more.. juggle it with the least efficient Hitman jobs. 45 minutes at most to take care of this tier.

Worth noting:
This is where money becomes worthless. Once you have the money you need to buy the prerequisite inventory; you'll never worry about money in NY again. Don't bother banking. You'll die so fast now that you'll lose MAYBE $700,000 in the attack. Chump change. Banking is ONLY for attaining bank-related achievements.
On that note: The way to achieving the Trillions etc. achievements is NOT property. It's fighting this guy...

The MORE money you leave unbanked, the more he pays out! This will compound over time... but is literally YEARS faster than trying to get expensive properties to build the wealth passively.

Another benefit of Cleto is that he pays out pretty big XP.
Boss fights are the ONLY aspect of the game that increases the XP payout as you gain levels.
As you gain higher levels, you will have spare energy at the end of the level. This is a good place to spend it. Not only will it keep you moving towards the Trillions; it gives you a pretty big leg-up on the next level's experience needs.

This eventually becomes inefficient since the experience demands grow faster than the energy to do jobs... it will still provide a ton of $
(pending level 1400 screenshot to show the difference)

This basically means switching between two or more jobs at a time: a poor energy ratio job with a high energy ratio job. This is to make sure you will have-- overall-- enough energy to make the experience necesary to clear the level.
Some of you want to know exactly which jobs to do when... I really can't tell you; with the bonuses... everyone is going to be a little different, and there are a LOT of jobs to choose from.
We know we have to do the Enforcer tier Special Loot jobs beyond the 100% mastery because the jobs that consume them require it. Other than that, there is very little reason to do ANY job of any tier during any mastery more than 100%. If you screw up now and again, you screw up. No big deal, and it won't be by much. It's something you have to eyeball... and that damn Mastermind bonus tends to pop up at the end of a level when you are spending 25 energy to get 44 xp that SHOULD have put you only 1 xp away from next level... but oops. you got the bonus and you roll over to the next level anyway with the extra 22xp awarded. It'll be okay. Just spend your stamina FIRST, and that'll make doing the jobs much easier.

At level 35, we get to go to cuba.

If you HAVEN'T vaulted all of your cuba stuff yet, you'll want to use this city to juggle with Capo and Consigliere... but if you are properly funded, you won't need to go to cuba at all prior to NY. I"ll be detailing Cuba in Part 5. So hang tight.

In Part 3, we'll be moving up from Capo through Boss.

Folks-- I could have put this in some pdf and charged $20 like all those lame "dominate blah blah" books that promise us everything and deliver squat... Ironically, this guide ACTUALLY delivers what you want-- levels, power, and a formula to do it with no BS attached.
If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:

$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$10 = Holy Hannah! I Can't Believe You Didn't Charge $20 For This!!
$20 = I don't mind paying "full price" for great information that is current and USEFUL.
Send to my paypal email:

More to come soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NY Tutorial Pt. 1 - The Beginning


For this to work, you must be placed as someone's Wheelman.

We had a loophole for anyone becoming wheelman, but that has been "fixed" by zynga... so now the ONLY way to be a wheelman is by becoming a Fearless character type.
As of January 14, 2010; all characters are without a "type" designation until level 9.
Once you level up, you will HAVE to deal with this screen. Simply choose to recover health faster:

Now that you are Fearless, you can become a Wheelman on others' top mafia team.
You MUST get on someone's list as wheelman AND mastermind.
Mastermind: 1 of 20 jobs will award an extra 50% experience.
Wheelman: 1 of 20 jobs will be done at NO ENERGY COST.
These two together are massive: roughly an extra 15% experience is accumulated for the energy spent.. this can take you straight through to level 1000+ non-stop if you wish.

Build a large friends/mafia network.
Our friends at Top Mafia Disabled has the best solution in town:

This is going to be important because
1. when you request help, you want it answered right away. Once I got to 4000 mafia, any request is fulfilled typically within 1 minute.
2. You will also want PLENTY of free job opportunities. Even if Zynga limits how many you can partake in, we'd rather have 500 to choose from than 10.
3. A larger family is going to help you collect vault SO much easier than a small little clutch of friends.

Vault everything in NY, CUBA and MOSCOW

If you have help, this can be done right out of the gate at level 2.

Collecting vaults is easier than you may think! This link will let you add cuba and moscow vault items to your wishlist at level 2:
Just put three items on your list and ask for help from a HIGH level player. Rinse, Repeat. most folks have a ton of vault junk laying around doing no good (because most boosts are truly worthless) As long as you explain what you are trying to do, point them to this blog, and promise you'll make it worth their while when you are doing Moscow (hint: think ep6 eggs or loot)... most high level players with nothing to lose except junk will be happy to help out a little. You may even earn some new friends!
So get a big mafia, find a LOT of high level players who are willing to help a little... and you are done in no time. :)


  • Concealed Camera - 169
  • Computer Setup - 263
  • Untracable Cell Phone - 535
  • Blackmail Photo - 403
  • Illegal transaction Record - 424
  • Politico Corrupto - 1182
  • Satelite Phones - 674
  • Pirates - 619
  • Drug Shipments - 468
-- enforcer tier consumables cannot be gifted; so tough through it
--moscow consumables are nearly self-sufficient-- what you acquire is nearly enough.

That is a LOT of consumables... about 4800 total This can take MANY levels to accumulate if you do it all on your own. If you choose to go the lonely road; I recommend you go to Moscow ASAP so you can get cams and ucp more easily in the first two Moscow jobs. Much better than the electronic store.
Otherwise, add items to your wishlist and ask for help just like the vaults. It will take a while, but sometimes you find generous people...

Sound daunting?

There is a better way!
Soldiers of Peace has a mentoring program where we will provide new characters with all the vaults and consumables-- as well as place you as wheelman and mastermind so you can follow this guide smoothly! If you are interested in following this guide-- but are concerned about acquiring the massive consumable and vault collections, or getting someone to throw away their wheelman bonus for you; be welcome to contact me:
or any member of SOP about being mentored.

I wish Zynga would figure out a way to make Mogul a worthwhile choice... by the time we finish NY, we will have many $billion-- but properties will NEVER earn you the Trillion achievements.
Rackets; DO NOT put points in influence. You do not need any of what rackets offers. It will only prevent you from leveling quickly at higher levels.
(you cannot have both rackets and property in NY)
You are going to make plenty of money in NY to never have to worry about upkeep costs for inventory. Just forget about it.

Now that you are properly set up....

For the first 10 levels, you're pretty much stuck doing the 1st tier jobs. Just do them in order. You are not required to do each in direct order one after the other... but you want to be sure to take care of all 3 mastery of the first 3 tiers before you move too far along... there are a lot of skill points you pick up in these jobs, and that is important to stay ahead of the rising xp costs per level. It may initially force you to take a break for a few hours, or even overnight once or twice to regain energy to get through these first jobs. Do it. it's gonna take you a while to build up your mafia anyway... so burn your energy on poor jobs and take the time to go build a big team.
***If you acquire ALL the NY, Cuba and Moscow energy / stam collections right away; you will have virtually NO downtime.

The next challenge you will face is the high demands for $ starting in the Soldier tier. This stuff is expensive, but there is an easy solution...
Get a hit.

Man, this is sweet! Hitlisting is a bit of an art too. It may take you a while, so as soon as you get access to hitlisting, start dumping your stamina there.
1. don't waste stam on anything less than $800,000. That is the "magic number" to buy all the inventory for Soldier... or you'll need $4million for everything through hitman tier.
2. if it is a 7 digit bounty, that target probably has quite a few levels.
On a slow day, most big bounties die in less than 1 minute. so I typically count to 5 and then attack and attack again slowly until either I run out of stam or the target dies.
On a busy day, it could take hours for a target to be killed.. so if they have been on the list more than 1 minute, skip the attack, and wait for another juicy target to pop up.

Next part, we'll look at actually clearing levels through NY.

Folks-- I could have put this in some pdf and charged $20 like all those lame "dominate blah blah" books that promise us everything and deliver squat... Ironically, this guide ACTUALLY delivers what you want-- levels, power, and a formula to do it with no BS attached.
If this has been a help, please make a donation so my wife doesn't feel so neglected. :)
Here's a guideline:

$5 = This Really Made a Difference!
$10 = Holy Hannah! I Can't Believe You Didn't Charge $20 For This!!
$20 = I don't mind paying "full price" for great information that is current and USEFUL.
Send to my paypal email:

Thanks for reading! More to come.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Big Picture

First off... I want to admit that I am standing on the shoulders of a giant.
This blog taught me the basics of speed leveling back when there was only NY jobs.

I used that guide as a start to go from level 1 - 1000 in about 3 months-- so it's GOOD, but there have been MANY expansions to the game since those beginnings. There are so many options and activities in Mafia Wars now; it is important to have a strategy to optimize your time and the levels you attain.

This blog's true function is a "Building Bible" for our clan, Soldiers of Peace. Our goal is to help our team members reach their personal goals in the game, regardless of how casual or fanatical each member chooses to play.
We simply want our Soldiers to succeed-- as measured by their own standards.

This extends out to the MW community as a whole. Our clan is always seeking excited players that want to be a part of something bigger; but the information itself should be available to all.
So we present this blog as a tool for optimizing your game... whether you want to simply know the most effective strategy to finishing jobs in various cities or know how to sculpt your account to achieve specific styles of play. Be welcome to take what you want, and leave the rest.

If this blog resonates with you, [SOP] may be a good choice for how you spend your time playing. I'll say without ego that SOP is truly doing something special.

Big shout out to my many supporters as I grew in knowledge and ability.
Primarily-- the members of our clan, Soldiers of Peace
For whom I am privileged to serve, and thrilled to know.
I also appreciate my extended FB friends network
I simply would not be able to achieve any of this without all of you!